TEAM: Read the Bible in Partnership
Here are a couple of ways to get involved:
1) Start a Partnership that comes together around reading the Bible. This can be two people, two couples, or a small group, etc. It is our desire that everyone finds a least one other person to partner with. We are here to help with this process.
If you would like help in finding a partnership, you can either call the church office or fill out the form below and we
2) Transition your existing small group to come together around reading the Bible. For those looking for a group partnership, we are here to help with that too! Small group leaders - you can see some ideas for doing this in Pastor Gary's latest letter (here).
TEXT: Choose a Format
Choose a format that works best for you and the partnership you’re a part of.
If you have a Bible that you don’t think will work for your partnership, or you would like to change the format/translation/style for any reason, we would love to help with this by providing some options that are available.
You can take a look at any of the options in the links below or by stopping by the Bible Options display table in Gateway’s main lobby.
We would also love to provide Bibles to partnerships who may not be able to afford it.
1) Choose a Bible:
- Bible Options (link)
- Translation Info (link)
- Audio Bible Options (link)
2) Agree on a Reading Strategy:
- Underlining/Highlighting (here is a great article about reading the Bible in partnerships that explains the
importance of underlining and how it's incorporated into the partnership meetings).
- Writing out Scripture
- Section Of Scripture ( OT, NT, Gospels, Psalms)
- Read Throughs (One Year, Four-Month, 90 Days)
Note: We encourage partnerships to choose together a strategy of reading that will promote successful reading time and sharing.
CONTEXT: Agree Upon the Details
A few helpful questions to discuss with your partner as you begin...
- Duration: How often, how much time, and is there an end date?
- When and Where: Coffee Shops, Walks, Etc.
- What Will Our Time Look Like: Highlight, Underline, Memorizing, Journaling, Three-Questions As You Read,
Themes/Patterns, Read Aloud To Each Other. (link)