A Place to Serve

One of the most essential ways of Showing God’s Love is to embrace Jesus’ call to a life of service. In John 13:13-17 he said, 

“You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and rightly so, for that is what I am. Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. Very truly I tell you, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.” 

We would love to help you follow Jesus' calling to a life of service. Our staff can help you explore various roles in existing ministry programs here at Gateway. See the next section below - "Finding Your Role" - for more information.

Or, you might consider plugging in to the church-wide service initiatives listed at the bottom of this page.

We also recommend that you embrace the Oikos principle and get involved with our world missions efforts--these are described in other pages found under the "Get Involved" tab.

Mission Trip Opportunity

Our spring Nicaragua mission trip has been scheduled for May 6. The team will be helping remodel part of a building into conference rooms. Construction skills are helpful but not required. If you feel led to join, stop by the church office to pick up an Application Packet or call us for more details. Sign-ups are due by March 15.

Finding Your Role

At Gateway we have many opportunities to find a unique role that can be an outlet for service. If you are not sure what kind of role would best suit your interests and gifts we invite you to contact Pastor Ken. As our Connections Pastor he can help you identify ministry roles for which you are well suited. 

If, on the other hand, you already have an idea of where you would like to serve, we recommend you contact the ministry team leader directly. Click on any of the names below to send an email.

Lee: Kid’s Church, Club W and the Children's Center

Scott: Worship Teams & Stories

Gary: Grow Groups

Mathias: Youth Staff

Ken:  Men’s Ministry

Aria:  Coffee and Greeting

Jackie: Global Partners (Missions) 

Ellen: Women's Ministry

Note: All those who work with teams that serve minors at Gateway are required to pass a criminal background check. Your ministry supervisor will assist you in moving through this process. 

Deaconess Ministries

The Deaconess Committee assists in meeting the physical needs of the church body. This includes ministries of encouragement, comfort, worship support and practical needs. 

Committee members serve one to three-year terms but volunteers are also welcome to join their Support Team which provides more limited or even one-time help. Opportunities include design & decor, food prep, event staffing and more. 

Call the church office to find out how you can get involved! 

See A Need, 

Meet A Need!

The "See A Need - Meet A Need" program is a simple attempt to help the people of Gateway meet the practical needs of our church and community. We believe that many times the reason God blesses us with an abundance is so that we can turn around and bless others. The Bible is clear, when you see someone in need, and you are in the position to meet that need, you do it. It's a straightforward, black and white issue! It's also a lot of fun!

There are two ways you can participate in the "See A Need - Meet A Need" program:

1. Tell us about the needs you see. 

When someone in your life needs something practical (an item like a coat, a bicycle, a working washing machine, or some help getting their lawn mowed or transport to a doctor's appointment) let us know about it in the church office and we will pass it on to the Gateway family. If someone has the ability to provide that help, you'll hear about it! (Note: we do not distribute information about items you want to get rid of--only people's needs.)

2. Subscribe to the email needs list. 

As needs arise we send out an updated needs list. The more people that sign up to receive the list, the more needs we will likely have the privilege of meeting. You can contact us about needs or subscribe to the email list by calling the church office (360) 835-2153 or by sending us an email

The Deacon Fund

At Gateway, our Deacon board administers a fund to help church members with critical financial needs. Recipients of the Deacon Fund may include any Gateway members, their immediate family, or members of their Oikos.

You may contribute to the Deacon Fund at any time by simply noting your intention on your check or, use the specially marked offering envelopes provided on weekends that we celebrate the Lord's Supper in our worship services. You can also contribute to the Deacon Fund through our Online Giving Page.