Pathway classes at gateway

Pathway Classes are elective opportunities to pursue Knowing Christ better. We have a variety of offerings from biblical education, spiritual disciplines and life skills classes to options designed specially for men and women. Some classes run year-round while others are offered seasonally. For more information about a particular class or subject contact the instructor directly or Ken Warren through the church office. 

Old TESTAMENT/New Testament connections class

Learn how the New Testament authors understood and applied Old Testament texts to New Testament contexts.

Join us Sunday from 3:00-4:30 in the upstairs conference room starting July 21, 28 and August 4. 

Gentleness Book Discussion

This discussion will help believers think more clearly about their strategy for impacting their okios in the spirit of 1 Peter 3:15.

Join us Sunday, August 25th from 3:00-4:15 in the upstairs conference room to discuss the book. Ask Dave Glass about acquiring a book.

Gateway 101

This is our official introduction to Gateway--our purposes, doctrine, strategies and structure as a church. Get to know us better in this class taught by several of our pastors. Gateway 101 also serves as a prerequisite for church membership. See the 'Home' page to register for the next class, or please contact the church office for more information about this class.

Financial Peace University

What topic has over 2,000 verses in the Bible?  

MONEY, that’s right.  But why money?  Because it affects every area of your life - your health, your relations (kids, spouse, relatives), your emotions, your mobility, your ministry, etc.

So why invest your time & money into Financial Peace University?

Great question. Let me ask you - Would you like less stress, better relations, more hope and peace, and even become a better person? Oh yeah, and become financially secure. That will happen as you  learn and apply the life-changing money principles of FPU . 

But could the class make me feel ashamed, embarrassed, or judged?

NO FEAR if you have money struggles, or have done STUPID things in the past. We ALL have. The class is designed for mutual support and encouragement without JUDGEMENT.

So you ask, what is this going to cost me? And what will I get in return?

It is a modest investment of time (2 hrs/wk) and money ($10/wk). The return on your investment will include less stress, more hope, peace, and a more fulfilled YOU. Oh yeah! and don't forget, the things you learn have the potential to help you save tens of thousands of dollars over time.

Contact Brian Fraught at 503-888-9737 or email to to show your INTEREST and get more information.

For more information please visit