- For kids who are entering 4th and 5th grade in the fall
ETM Middle School camp is available for kids just finishing 5th grade.
- July 22-25
Check-in: begins at 4:00 p.m. on 7/22 at Camp Arrah Wanna.
Pick-up: is at 1:00 on 7/25 at Camp Arrah Wanna..
Bus Ride Home Option: Parents are welcome to pick their student up from camp or students can ride a bus back to East Vancouver (Return time approximately at 3:00 p.m. at Laurelwood Baptist Church) for the price of $15.
- Camp Arrah Wanna
24075 E Arrah Wanna Blvd, Welches, OR
Parents will be required to provide transportation for their student to and from Camp Arrah Wanna. This year we are adding an option of a bus for the return trip for an additional $15.
- $250.00
Information about our multi-child discount and camp scholarships available here.
- More Info
Click here for a printable sheet with important Junior Camp details.
Register for ETM Junior Camp here!
The 2024 ETM Jr. Camp at Arrah Wanna is our summer camp experience for Gateway kids. It will allow kids to form great friendships with other Gateway kids in cabins staffed by Gateway counselors. Kids will have lots of fun together as well as spend time in God's Word and worship together.
Camp Arrah Wanna is tucked into the foothills of Mount Hood in beautiful Welches, Oregon - about an hour drive from home. There will be all kinds of fun things to do at Camp Arrah Wanna including: games and team competitions, tubing on the Salmon River, playing in the full court gym, swimming in the heated outdoor pool, swings, volleyball, hiking trails, archery, mini golf, enjoying the teaching and stories of Pastor Lee and Pastor Greg, some really fun hands-on learning and more!!
Gateway's Student Pastor and Children's Pastor (Mathias and Lee) are working together with other local pastors to create a camp that will be tightly focused on the needs of our specific churches. We want to help the kids form relationships with kids and counselors from their respective home churches that can continue throughout the year and on into middle school and beyond. Gateway kids will be in cabins with other Gateway kids and Gateway counselors.
If your child is currently a 5th grader, check out ETM Middle School Camp at Camp Arrah Wanna.